AICID ENTERTAINMENT, LLC, was formed in the year of 2017 on paper, but the love of music saved the life of the owner that never gave up on his dream to make his daughters’ company name a house hold name of music and entertainment. We as a company and family offer our home and platform to other dedicated Indie artists looking to control their destiny in the Entertainment Streaming Industry. The company and platform is for exclusive artist that are invested in the firm of business controlling all rights and exclusive ownership to their Biological and intellectual property. AICID ENT, LLC, offers services in music/video/podcast streaming, publishing, music licensing, music distribution, artist management consultant, entertainment business management, acquisition management, and artist development consulting.  We aim to please our audience and fans that will either be inspired or motivated by the music that this platform will give to you the user or you the creator of this “music vortex” universe. Please enjoy.  #WORK